Buyer's Guide: Marsden Stainless Steel Weighing Scales Stainless steel weighing scales are great for three reasons: They look great (and for those in the food and drink industry, they look much more hygienic than their plastic counterparts).
What Do The NAWI Directive Changes Mean? Currently, the weighing industry is regulated by the European Directive 2009/23/EC for non-automatic weighing instruments (NAWI).
Incentives for GPs - Why Measuring BMI Is Important The big news for GPs this week - and anyone who believes that steps need to be taken to curb the UK obesity epidemic - is the proposal that GPs are paid for measuring BMI.
We Explain How Body Composition Weighing Scales Work! The Marsden MBF-6000 and MBF-6010 are Class III and MDD approved body composition scales - they’re in high demand in hospitals, gyms, sports clubs and slimming clubs.
Buyer’s Guide: Marsden Industrial Crane Weighing Scales Crane scales need to be a considered purchase. There are many variables that need to be taken into account - and how you use the crane scale, why you use it and where you use it will all influence which option you go for.
Industrial Weighing Scale Terms Glossary (Free Download) We recently published a medical weighing terms glossary, that was free to download. It was so successful - we’ve done the same for industrial weighing scales!
Buyer's Guide: Industrial Counting Weighing Scales There can’t be many suppliers of industrial scales with as much pedigree as Marsden.
Medical Weighing Terms Glossary (Free Helpful Download) As a medical or health and fitness professional, we understand that you’re expected to be an expert in a multitude of areas.
Marsden's Printable Portal User Guide (Free Download) If you are one of our contract customers we’re sure you have been reaping the rewards of our Client Portal, and if you haven’t, then now is the time to start!
NHS Health Checks: Low cost scales for an effective service We’ve talked a lot (both on here and with GPs and pharmacies) about the NHS Health Check Programme - and how at least one Class III approved medical scale is an essential piece of equipment for delivering this service.
What Is a Pallet Truck Scale and Why Do You Need One? A pallet truck scale is one key piece of equipment that every warehouse or factory should not be without.
Platform scales: Sizes, capacities and trade approvals explained Platform scales are essential for any business where large quantities of goods are shipped to and from a warehouse. In fact, we recently wrote this blog post about why you would need to use platform scales.
Introducing the DS-781SS Waterproof Computing Retail Scale The best way to improve a product or service is to always be talking to your customers - and at Marsden, we’re pleased to say that thanks to our customers, we’ve been able to continuously improve our digital weighing scale offerings!
What is Tare? At Marsden Weighing Group, we like to provide help and guidance in using weighing scales as much as we like to provide the actual scales!
What is NAWI? - Help and Guidance Using Weighing Scales If you're a regular user of weighing scales, you may have come across the letters 'NAWI' in the past. To provide more background on how the weighing industry is regulated, and why Marsden's digital weighing scales are so accurate, this blog post provides an explanation of NAWI and Class III/trade approval.